We will celebrate the end of the semester with a little BBQ – stay tuned!
We're thrilled to welcome Julia Mori, an advanced postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bern, who leads groundbreaking projects focused on student and teacher well-being. Dr. Mori is currently conducting a study on Impostor Phenomenon in academia (you can contribute by taking a brief 6-minute survey). During this talk, drawing from extensive research and experience, she will delve into Impostor Syndrome, initially observed in high-achieving women, its prevalence among females, and share strategies to overcome it.
As always, lunch will be catered – we will send out a registration link closer to the event.
Help us address the crucial issues of Impostor Syndrome in our discussion by sharing your experience: fill out this 2-minute anonymous form.
Happy to have you join us!
In this 3-hour workshop self-defense trainer Katharina Eisenring will give us an introduction to self-defense techniques. We will defend ourselves against physical attacks and learn about simple shock techniques to compensate for the often unequal body proportions of attacker and victim. In addition, we will role-play situations that we encounter in everyday life or that scare us and look for solutions together. After the 3 hours, you will have a clearer picture of what self-defense involves and will be better able to decide whether you want to attend an entire self-defense course. In addition, your decision to stand up for yourself will be strengthened.
In celebration of International Women's Day, we invite you to a lunch session wherein we will share experiences and exchange perspectives on being women in academia. We look forward to an open and engaging discussion!
We invite participants of our last workshop for a follow-up meeting to obtain your feedback!